Welcome to Sculpture in the Gardens

at Auckland Botanic Gardens

Sculpture in the Gardens 2024–25

The 2024–25 exhibition artists

We are excited to announce the 15 successful entries for the 2024–25 Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition.

Chris Moore’s Bubblegum. A concept drawing of his planned work for the 2024–25 Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition.

Artists Working Day

In April our successful artists met up at the Artists’ Working Day at Botanic Gardens – a day of scoping out the logistics of this outdoor sculpture exhibition.

The 2024–25 exhibition curators

Introducing our curators of the 2024–25 Sculpture in the Gardens exhibition – Linda Tyler, Terry Urbahn and Catherine Hamilton.


Samantha Lissette, Rose Cathedral (detail), 2008.

Sculpture in the Gardens is run by the Friends of the Auckland Botanic Gardens and hosted by Auckland Botanic Gardens. It is held every second summer.

Permanent Collection

Jamie Pickernell, Bird Lady, 2012.

Every day, whether the exhibition is on or if we are between exhibitions, there is art to enjoy with permanent collection sculptures displayed throughout the Auckland Botanic Gardens.

Auckland Botanic Gardens

Find out about the beautiful Auckland Botanic Gardens, the onsite Cafe Miko, the plant collections, other events and more…

Past exhibitions

Holding Ground Exhibition, 2023–24

Lucy Bucknall, Sky Gazers, 2023.

Holding Ground is a free indoor sculpture exhibition held in 2023, featuring 47 works by some of New Zealand’s best and most loved artists.

2021–22 Exhibition

The winning sculpture for the 2021-2022 exhibition was Taiki e! United in Purpose! by The Indigenous Clay Artists Collective

Our last outdoor exhibition was held in 2021–22. You can see more about all the artists who exhibited in this show, and who took out the awards.

Archive of all past exhibitions

Richard Mathieson, Reservoirs, 2021Part of the permanent collection.

Our digital archive captures the history of Sculpture in the Gardens and forms a useful resource for the wider art world. We have held exhibitions featuring local artists since the establishment of the event in 2007. This archive presents a complete list of artists exhibited from then.

Watch our videos

Our YouTube channel has some great videos on our artists.

Brit Bunkley and Andrea Gardner’s entry in 2021–22

All about the exhibition in 2019–20